09 November

For the first time in history we are going to have the Compostela Jubilee Holy Year for two consecutive years. Due to the circumstances caused by COVID-19, the Holy Year 2021 has been extended until December 31, 2022.
The Holy Year or Xacobeo Year occurs when the feast of the saint, July 25, falls on Sunday. This is a tradition of medieval origin that only occurs 14 times every century. It is for this reason that it arouses so much interest and the visit of thousands of pilgrims with the aim of crossing the Holy Door, open only during holy years. The opening of the Holy Door is one of the most anticipated events at the beginning of the Jacobean Year. In the act the archbishop of Santiago hits the exterior of the wall of the wall, three times with a silver hammer. At that time the door, which is located at the back of the cathedral, will remain open throughout the Xacobeo Year.
The Jacobean years are classified as an event of exceptional public interest due to everything that surrounds this concept. Around the Camino de Santiago there is a cultural, social, tourist and religious dynamism that attracts travelers with different objectives. Most of them in search of a spiritual reunion and plenary indulgence. For this they will have to make a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Santiago where they must visit the tomb of the Apostle, receive the sacraments in confession and communion, say a prayer and finally go to Holy Mass.
There are different pilgrimage routes to the Camino de Santiago from different points, which is especially popular during the Jacobean Year. The Primitive Way, the English Way, the North Way, the Portuguese Way of the Coast, the French Way or the Senabres Way, among others less popular, will allow us to discover areas of beauty and peace that will not leave us indifferent.
Walking the Camino we can get "La Compostela". For this we will have to travel the last 100km of one of the roads and get the stamps that we will find in all the shelters arranged along the Way for the rest of the pilgrims.
We offer you a little advice on the different locations where pilgrims start their journey towards the Holy Door:
- French Way. Sarria is the preferred and most popular town for the start of the pilgrimage. We will find physically accessible stages for people of any age, a natural environment in the heart of Galicia with friendly people and excellent gastronomy.
- English Way. From Ferrol.
- Primitive Way. From Lugo.
- Portuguese Way. From Tuy. It is another of the favorites by pilgrims.
- Portuguese Way along the Coast. From Baiona.
- Camino del Norte. From Vilalba.
- Senabres Road. From Orense.
These are the different ways to get to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela on a pilgrimage through the different alternatives that the territory offers. In each season of the year we find different experiences and sensations, although the best time to make the journey is between the months of May to October.
More than 300,000 people make the pilgrimage each year regardless of whether it is the Xacoveo Holy Year or not.
Religious, cultural, sporting or gastronomic reasons make this traditional pilgrimage a unique and unforgettable experience for all those visitors who come to these lands of Galicia.
From Shuttleasy we offer pilgrims and visitors a Low Cost transfer from Santiago de Compostela Airport or La Coruña airport to the different towns where you want to start the Camino. Also from your hotel or home. Do not hesitate to ask us for a quote, we carry out individual or group transfers.
We are specialists in routes such as Santiago Airport to Sarria or Santiago Airport to Tuy. Ask for a quote, our offers will surprise you.
                                                        Good Way, Pilgrim!

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